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Pondering the Strength of Spirituality

by | Nov 3, 2023 | Coaching, Employee Engagement, Integrity, PERMAH, Psychological safety, Purpose, Strategic Narrative, Strengths, Wellbeing

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Spirituality is one of the five character strengths that comprise the Virtue of Transcendence.

Transcendence describes strengths that help you connect to the larger universe and provide meaning.

What is spirituality?

As a character strength, spirituality involves the belief that there is a dimension to life that is beyond human understanding. Some people don’t connect this belief with the concept of a divinity and prefer to think of it in terms of a sense of meaning rather than spirituality, but in the VIA Classification the terms are considered closely related. 

Spirituality is believed to describe both the private, intimate relationship between humans and the divine, and the range of virtues that result from the relationships. Spirituality is universal. 

Although the specific content of spiritual beliefs varies, all cultures have a concept of an ultimate, transcendent, sacred force.

Some of these include meaning, purpose, life calling, beliefs about the universe, the expression of virtue/goodness, and practices that connect with the transcendent. Some of these include meaning, purpose, life calling, beliefs about the universe, the expression of virtue/goodness, and practices that connect with the transcendent. 

Why is spirituality of value?

  • Spirituality, through the expression of religiousness or sense of meaning, provides a sense of being grounded, increases optimism and helps to provide a sense of purpose in life.
  • People who are spiritual often experience benefits in their physical and psychological health and are resilient in the face of challenges.
  • Spirituality is connected to compassion, altruism, volunteering and philanthropy.

A couple of questions to consider

  • How do you define spirituality for yourself?
  • How does spirituality affect your relationships with others?

Some things that you can do to practise spirituality

  • Think of a spiritual role model in your community. Even if there are important differences between their beliefs and yours, consider their best qualities and one way that you might learn from them.
  • Find meaning at work – consider what matters most in the work that you do and the impact it has upon others. Pause to appreciate this.
  • Pause to connect with your inner spirit. Return to this solitude that resides within throughout the day. Breathe deeply and be at peace with yourself. 

For more information on the strength of hope, go to…/spirituality

If you are interested in exploring how the practice of Character Strengths might be of benefit to your business and culture, contact Peter Maguire on 0438 533 311 or at

Acknowledgement: the primary reference for this post is “The Power of Character Strengths: Appreciate And Ignite Your Positive Personality” by Ryan M. Niemiec & Robert E. McGrath (An Official Guide From The VIA Institute on Character)



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