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OUR Local FIRM is flying

Our Local FIRM is a social connection and wellbeing hub for small business owners in Melbourne’s outer-east.
The FIRM stands for Fun, Inspiration, Relationships and Meaning – all essential ingredients for a vibrant business group.
PosWork Practice Leader, Peter Maguire created the group to meet needs that local small business owners identified during the pandemic lockdowns – a need to be socially connected and a need to learn more about how to look after the wellbeing of themselves and their families and in their workplaces.
Peter gathered a team of experienced, talented and positive minded people and culture consultants and coaches in Jen Riseborough of Next Level You, Tegan Rose of Hunt and Rose and Catie Paterson of Catie Paterson HR and together they went through a Certificate in Creating Wellbeing in Small Business Workplaces courtesy of Business Victoria.
The program which was delivered by the Wellbeing Lab provided lots of research, ideas and practical tools on wellbeing using a positive psychology approach.
The Our Local FIRM facilitation team is passing on the wellbeing learnings from that program in bite sized chunks at lunches at 2 monthly intervals where people also get that social connection with each other and build positive personal and business relationships.

- 1 VIA Character Strength that participants unpack and explore in the context of their personal experiences
- 1 PERMAH Pillar which people discuss and learn from each other’s perspectives on challenges and successes i. that space
- Give and Take where people have the opportunity to share news, gratitude, opportunities or needs with the group
- A healthy lunch provided by Glen Park Community Centre
A Division of Ridgeline Human Resources Pty Ltd
ABN : 24 091 644 094
6 Ellesmere Ave, Croydon Victoria 3136
1300 108 488