A collection of our own articles and other blogs of interest in the BETTER WORKPLACE theme.
Psychosocial hazard #3 – Poor Support
Do I get adequate training, supervision or direction in my work? Am I provided with the time and resources that I need to do my job? Do I feel adequately supported in my role or with my life balance? Just a few of the questions to ask regarding whether workers get adequate support.
Psychosocial hazard #2 – Low Job Control
Blogs and StoriesIt can be that my job is really controlled mechanically or by technology or that I have a micromanaging boss or that I deal directly with people who can be unpredictable so I don't feel in control. There are lots of ways that that can happen.CONTACT...
Psychosocial hazard #1 – Job Demands
Blogs and StoriesThey can be high or low, physical, psychological or emotional and they can manifest as risks in lots of different ways.CONTACT USPosWork A Division of Ridgeline Human Resources Pty Ltd ABN : 24 091 644 094QUICK RESOURCE LINKSCOMMUNITY LINKS
Six ways to use Sharetree
Blogs and Stories Science tells us that the practice of gratitude is great for our personal wellbeing as well as for anyone who we give thanks to or show gratitude towards in other ways. This week, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving which is centred on the practice of...
The difference between stress and overwhelm
Blogs and Stories There are lots of surveys and studies that are reporting very high levels of burnout among workers and most especially among leaders. Are people really overwhelmed or are they just stressed, perhaps a bit more than normally but really just stressed?...
The difference that recognising your people can make
Blogs and Stories Do you recall that old saying: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"? Are you having any difficulties retaining good people? Are you spending a lot of time and money on finding replacements? Perhaps you need to spend a bit more time and...
Why a growth mindset is important for wellbeing
Blogs and Stories Do you have a growth mindset and what difference does it make to your wellbeing and relationships if you do? Here we explore how the theory on growth and fixed mindsets, first introduced by psychologist Carol Dweck, plays out in a work setting. A...
Of course it is about meaning
Blogs and Stories To us, the findings from SEEK's inaugural Workplace Happiness Index survey are no surprise - study after study has shown much the same findings about the factors that are most important to people feeling happy at work. Let's have a look at them. ...
Do you have psychosocial strengths?
Blogs and Stories What a difference it makes if you look at challenges in life and business through the lens of positive psychology! What would happen if you looked at psychosocial hazards that way? This morning, PosWork's Lee-Anne Hunt and Peter Maguire presented...
Delivering better change appreciatively
Blogs and Stories Did you know that poor change management is one of the most common psychosocial hazards in Australia? And In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, change is a constant as we strive to find new and better ways to do all sorts of things in...
Setting SMARTER goals
Blogs and Stories Ever heard of SMART goals? They have been around since the 1980s and are as relevant today as they were back then. We all benefit from having goals to achieve in work and life generally but sometimes we struggle with properly defining them or perhaps...
Positive tools – the SCARF model
Blogs and Stories The positive duties that are being introduced in relation to management of psychosocial hazards and prevention of sexual harassment might be new but there are plenty of tools out there already that you can use to explore your workplace culture, areas...
Our videos are a mix of explainers on various elements of making BETTER WORKPLACES and stories on good practices that we have come across or been involved in.
Psychosocial hazard #3 – Poor Support
Do I get adequate training, supervision or direction in my work? Am I provided with the time and resources that I need to do my job? Do I feel adequately supported in my role or with my life balance? Just a few of the questions to ask regarding whether workers get adequate support.
Psychosocial hazard #2 – Low Job Control
Blogs and StoriesIt can be that my job is really controlled mechanically or by technology or that I have a micromanaging boss or that I deal directly with people who can be unpredictable so I don't feel in control. There are lots of ways that that can happen.CONTACT...
Psychosocial hazard #1 – Job Demands
Blogs and StoriesThey can be high or low, physical, psychological or emotional and they can manifest as risks in lots of different ways.CONTACT USPosWork A Division of Ridgeline Human Resources Pty Ltd ABN : 24 091 644 094QUICK RESOURCE LINKSCOMMUNITY LINKS
Better Workplace Projects – The Foundations
A key ingredient in employee engagement and high performing teams is trust which can only happen if there is authenticity at all levels of an organisation. That is also part of our Better Workplace Projects.
The Power of Vulnerability
Brene Brown is a world leading authority on vulnerability and the underpinning power of having a sense of love and belonging to having a belief of self-worth. She talks about having the courage to be imperfect while practising self compassion and having connection that empowers authenticity, an essential quality for great leaders.
The science of happiness
Shawn Achor is a world leading researcher, author and speaker on the science of happiness. In this celebrated TED talk, he talks in a very entertaining way about how a focus on happiness can positively impact wellbeing and work performance/productivity.
A Division of Ridgeline Human Resources Pty Ltd
ABN : 24 091 644 094
6 Ellesmere Ave, Croydon Victoria 3136
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